Enviros was contracted by Black Sea Oil and Gas to perform an integrated environmental, geophysical and geotechnical site investigation in Black Sea, Romania. Water depths range from <10m (along the nearshore route survey approaches) to 90m at the two offshore platform locations. Vibrocores, dropcores, boxcores and grab samples were performed from the nearshore route survey approach out to the offshore region which included the two proposed platform locations. The geotechnical site investigation scope of work comprised composite (undisturbed sampling and in situ testing) 125m boreholes for the purpose of piled platform design. Boreholes were advanced using a heave compensated API rotary flush drill string with wireline coring capability to suit ground conditions and the acquisition of high quality geotechnical data. Geophysical survey data, acquired as part of the initial phase of the scope of work, has been reviewed by Enviros to determine borehole locations which minimise the risk of encountering shallow gas. A single 135m Pilot hole was performed prior to geotechnical boreholes being conducted. Onshore laboratory testing, engineering and reporting includes piled foundation analysis (dynamic and static), an assessment of soil liquefaction and commentary of engineering hazards with mitigation recommendations.

Project Organisation
Enviros was responsible for performance of all pre-mobilisation, mobilisation, fieldwork, demobilisation and associated onshore laboratory testing and reporting. A senior Enviros Project Manager with >15 years relevant offshore site survey / investigation experience was appointed on contract award and responsible for each project phase and Client liaisons throughout. The Enviros Project Manager appointed an experienced Enviros Offshore Project Manager for all fieldwork operations.
The Project Manager had the role of managing day-to-day issues relating to the project, based onshore in the Enviros head office based in United Kingdom. The Offshore Project Manager was responsible to ensuring that the project was completed in accordance with Enviros procedures and to Client specifications. Responsibilities include, but not limited to being the immediate point of contact for any Offshore Client Representatives, ensuring project QHSSE procedures are adhered to during all offshore operations; this is to include mobilisation, field calibrations and checks, project tasks, post project calibration checks and demobilisation; and the production or approval of all necessary field reporting.