An overview of all relevant subjects of our corporate integrity guidelines that drive our business self-regulation and sustainability.
Compliance is the duty to comply, conform and enforce laws, guidelines, internal and external regulations, seeking to mitigate the risk linked to reputation and legal/regulatory risk.
Enviros observes and complies with local laws and best industry practices following high standards of quality management, seeking to meet good international and domestic practices. In the context of its operations and business conduction strict observance of the law is required, being the responsibility of directors, managers, collaborators, partners and suppliers to ensure their compliance.
Corruption and bribery
Enviros repudiates any practices of corruption, bribery or harmful conduct against national or foreign public administration, and private institutions. To ensure that situations of this nature are not practiced under any chance, those are considered direct infringement of the Code of Conduct, subjecting the offender to the due disciplinary actions applicable to each case, without prejudice to the penalties provided for in any local legislation.
We commit to comply with the related anti-corruption laws and all further applicable local laws and regulations:
- FCPA – Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- UK Bribery Act.
Relationship with customers
Enviros seeks constant enhancement of its processes, using the most modern practices for obtaining the best quality standards, at the smallest operational costs and environmental impacts and at the highest customer satisfaction.
We do not discriminate customers, whether by origin, economic size or location. However, we reserve the right to terminate any relationship whenever our interests are not being attended or even when the relationship represent legal, social or environmental risk.
Each project must strictly follow legal requirements.
It is forbidden to make improper payments to any person in order to facilitate the sale of our services, even at the expense of losing business opportunities.
It is our responsibility to keep confidentiality of information passed on by our customers and partners.
Relationship with suppliers
The company encourages its suppliers, independently of the size or geographical position, to adopt management practices aimed at excellence, respect for human dignity, promotion of social justice and preservation of health and safety of living beings and the environment.
The selection of suppliers and award of contracts must be impartial, subject to transparent and clear competition, technical competence, legal compliance, unblemished reputation and ethical behavior of the supplier, aiming at the best possible return in terms of cost-benefit for the company and the proper management of risk.
Harassment is when someone in a privileged position uses that advantage to humiliate, disrespect or constrain. Bullying occurs when you expose someone to situations of humiliation. Sexual harassment seeks to gain advantage or sexual favor.
It shall be a professional commitment of all to develop a positive working environment and, in particular, free from pressure or persecution of moral or sexual nature.
Adopting abusive, inopportune or offensive criteria and/or behaviors in the workplace, whether verbal, physical or gestural, is considered unacceptable behavior. This type of attitude shall lead to severe disciplinary and penal sanctions.
Growth and development through the responsible use of the available resources, avoiding exhausting or extinguish them.
We act as a responsible company, guardian of natural resources and limiting impacts on the environment and society and we will undertake our best efforts so that partners and suppliers share the same commitment and respect.
Human resources
Enviros cares, develops and values its human resources, providing conditions for their personal and professional satisfaction achievement. We build a healthy, safe, stimulating and productive work environment, marked by respect for values and principles, by ethical and transparent relationships. We stimulate the development of competences and permanent training, through constant new challenges and learning opportunities, so that everyone feels respected and recognized for their contribution.
We promote human and professional development of employees through proper systems of salaries and benefits, in addition to promoting educational, safety and health programs. In recruitment and promotion processes, candidates are evaluated solely for their capabilities and conditions to meet and adapt to the expectations of the position.
Prejudice and discrimination
We value diversity in labor relations and reject any form of discrimination, promoting equal opportunities and fair treatment for all. The origin (ethnic, national, cultural, religious, family, regional, etc.), gender and sexual orientation do not constitute, in any way, grounds for discrimination. The company cultivates an environment of respect for dignity, diversity and human rights. We refrain discrimination, harassment, disrespect, exploitation and prejudice of any kind, whether of race, religion, age, gender, political conviction, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation, physical condition or any other.
Exploitation of adult or child labor
We do not admit, in any way, the exploitation of adult and child labor, and reserve the right not to maintain relations of any kind with organizations, entities or institutions that adopt this practice. We adopt policies and practices that contribute actively for the prevention and eradication of degrading work forms (forced labor and slavery).

Corporate Governance
We comply with the UK Corporate Governance Code, targeting to facilitate effective, entrepreneurial and prudent management that can deliver the long-term success of the company...